Khmer Accommodation

Cambodia may be less developed than Thailand but cyclists can still get away without a tent here.

In the tourist centres of Siem Reap, Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville you’ll be spoiled for choice, with rooms ranging from $5 U.S. for basic digs with a fan all the way up to 5-star luxury.

For air conditioning and hot water you’ll likely pay at least $12-15 U.S. and in the $15-30 U.S. bracket you’ll find quite a few places with extras like a fridge, cable television or free wireless internet. Nice decor also starts to appear in this range.

The choice outside of the main towns can sometimes be depressing. You’re most likely to find a few guesthouses on the main road. They won’t cost much, usually around $4-7 U.S. for a room, but you never know if you’re going to find a gem or a place with grubby walls and thin sheets.

For the most part, there’s always at least one guesthouse within a day’s ride, although occasionally this means doing some long distances. If you’re not confident putting in the odd day over 100km then you might want to pack a tent just in case. You could ask permission to put it up at a temple or within the grounds of a police station or school.

Because of the chance of finding a landmine, slipping off into the trees to wild camp is not a clever idea. In any case, you’ll be so hot and sweaty after a day in the saddle you’ll want a shower more than anything.

The other option is to hitch a lift on a bus or passing truck when the going gets tough.