An unlikely quartet formed in the dark of an Icelandic winter when a Canadian girl met an Aussie boy. With a thirst for adventure they quit their jobs, sold everything that couldn’t fit on the back of their bikes and pedaled into the unknown. Blissfully ignorant of what they were getting themselves into, they chose to take their two furry sidekicks, Jack and Paco, along for the ride.
Nobody wanted to look after them, and the quartet did not want to be apart, so the two SPCA rescued dogs added 60 kilograms of luggage in one hefty swoop. By day two of the journey half the team had crashed down a steep gully into a bed of stinging nettles. Although the team continues to question their
sanity, more than one year later they are still pedaling and living a simple life propelled forward out of necessity and wanderlust; food, water, warmth, shelter, and the never-ending horizon.
Keep up with their adventures at the Cycling Gypsies website or check out their photos on Redbubble.