Harry Kikstra is a man who wears many hats. Among his passions are mountain climbing, photography, making films, writing, cycling and many other things that have to do with sharing the beauty of the outdoors. He’s climbed the 7 continental highpoints and has no plans to stop travelling anytime soon. As for Ivana, she’s a psychologist turned bike tourist, who’s already cycled around New Zealand and from Malaysia to India, through Turkey and in Italy. Together, Harry & Ivana are cycling from Northern Alaska to Southern Argentina.
They have a plethora of blogs. Ivana’s stories, in Spanish, can be found on El Mundo En Bici and Harry runs the websites Bike Travellers, 7 Summits and Exposed Planet.
You can read stories and see pictures of their current 2008-2011 trip from Alaska to Ushuaia on World On A Bike.