Julie & Ken Stammers

Julie Stammers

“We have just completed our first cycle tour of 6684 kilometres; we started out on April 2, 2011 and got home on July 19, 2011. We travelled from our home in Malaga in the south of Spain up through France, up to the UK and to Nottingham where our families live.”

“We spent a week with friends and family and then set off back via Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, across to the south of France taking in a few alpine passes and Mont Ventoux as we went, eventually arriving back in Spain and back home to Malaga. The trip was a fantastic experience, from which we learned a lot – things we would do again and things we wouldn’t. I hope to undertake something similar in the not too distant future – just not sure where or when yet.”

You can read all about Julie’s Malaga to Nottingham bike tour, including a journal, facts and figures, highlights and observations.