Cycling Kyrgyzstan

Down a rough trackKyrgyzstan is a cyclist’s paradise: roads that take you from high mountains to lakeside beaches, nomads who will welcome you into their yurt for a taste of the local cuisine and a growing tourism industry ready to organise trekking and accommodation in local homes across the country.

With more and more flights going to the capital Bishkek from Europe and visas easy to get (on arrival if you come by plane), this gem of Central Asia has never been so accessible.

The best time to visit is from late spring to early autumn, with peak tourist season in July and August. Temperatures are comfortable from mid-May onwards but some high passes may not be clear from snow until June. By summer the lower areas of Kyrgyzstan including Bishkek and Osh are swelteringly hot.

Remember to pack a high-SPF sunscreen (you can burn quickly at high altitudes, and good sunscreen isn’t easy to find in Kyrgyzstan) and clothing for all kinds of weather. Even in summer you find yourself pelted by driving rain, hail and snow from passing storms. These are usually short lived but you don’t want to be caught unprepared in the mountains.

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See Also…

  • An excellent outline for cycling in Kyrgyzstan with specific road information, written by Jan de Groot.
  • Toko op Fietsvakantie: GPS tracks, elevation profiles and tips for travelling in northern Kyrgyzstan, including Song-Kol and Issyk-Kol.