Cycling The Middle East

Tea for usThe Middle East is bursting with hospitality towards visitors, especially for the adventurous cyclist passing through small towns and villages.

You’ll never be left wanting for a cup of tea and invitations to share a meal or spend the night flow freely.

The friendly people are reason enough to visit this corner of the world. Come experience a side to the region that’s completely opposite from the pictures on the nightly news.

Need a further incentive? Start dreaming about exploring ancient ruins in Turkey, tucking into fantastic food in Syria and gazing in awe at stunningly beautiful tiled mosques in Iran.

On top of that are the wonders of Petra and the Dead Sea in Jordan, Egypt’s pyramids and Beirut, the pulsating capital of Lebanon. With a little visa planning, you can add in Israel too. There’s easily enough to keep you busy in the Middle East for a few months. With a few weeks to spare you can sample one or two countries.

  1. I’m an American. Will locals be hostile to me?
  2. I’m a woman. Can I cycle alone?
  3. How do men in the Middle East react to women cyclists?
  4. What should I wear for cycling?
  5. Is it okay to free camp or wild camp?