Where to go in Morocco

Morocco isn’t short on choices when it comes to deciding where to ride your bike. First-time visitors won’t want to miss the atmospheric and bustling cities of Fes and Marrakech. Feasting on fish in the windy seaside town of Essaouira is another highlight and let’s not forget the magic of pedaling your bike to the edge of the desert, camping at the base of giant sand dunes.

The scenery can change surprisingly quickly from the saddle of a bicycle. In one day you can soar downhill from the lofty pass over the High Atlas Mountains into the fertile oasis of the Draa River valley. The towering mountains around Tafraoute soon give way to ocean views near Agadir. As you trek further up the coast towards Tangiers, rolling green hills appear that are almost reminiscent of England in springtime.

The only part of Morocco that almost everyone agrees should be skipped is Casablanca. Despite its movie-star fame, the city is heavily industrial, very polluted and short on tourist attractions. The only reason to come here would be if you’re particularly interested in seeing the Hassan II mosque or if you want to book a flight through the city.

To make the most of your trip around Morocco, consider using low-cost flights and ferries to enter from one city and leave from another. See more on getting in and out of Morocco.

We’ve outlined three of our favourite routes in detail:

Here are some other ideas:

  • Start from Agadir, a modern city that was entirely rebuilt after being devestated by an earthquake. Now Agadir is a favourite for package holiday tours with beaches and nightclubs, making it easy to get a cheap flight here. The city itself isn’t so interesting but the ride north up the coast to Essaouira, where you can feast on fish, and Safi, known for its pottery, is stunning. From Safi, either continue to Marrakech or Casablanca and fly home or carry on along the water as far as Tangiers to catch the ferry to Spain.
  • Alternatively, get a bus south from Agadir to Tiznit (you can cycle this but the main road is very busy and not at all scenic) and then head inland to Tafraoute, doing a loop back to Agadir on smaller roads.
  • From Marrakech, cycle across the High Atlas mountains, taking in the famous Ait Benhaddou kasbah near Ouzzarzate. Once over the mountain pass, fly downhill through the Draa Valley towards the desert town of Zagora, at the edge of the Sahara.