Photos as Contact Cards

tentcardfinalIt’s always nice to trade details with friends you meet on the road but writing out your email address time and time again gets tiring after a while.

You could get business cards printed at a local copy shop or do them yourself at home but who wants to carry hundreds on a long trip? Our solution is to turn our best photos into cards and then print them a few at a time as we travel.

You can do this easily in any photo editor. Just take your favourite photo and use the text function to add your name and email address. Then cut the photo down to a quarter or a fifth of its regular size and fit several on one page. You can also make your own Thank You cards using the same technique.

thankyoucard-v2The only thing to be careful of is the size. Make sure your image has the same dimensions as a standard 4″ x 6″ (10 x 15cm) photo or the edges will get cropped off when the photo shop tries to make it fit on the paper.

Once you have your file ready, take it to any photo shop on the road and get 8-10 cards printed for just a few cents. If you’re not carrying a laptop, just put the file on a USB stick and carry the stick with you.

The cards are attractive, personal and cheap. You can vary the designs as often as you like and you only need to carry a handful at one time. Perfect!