Chorizo & Spinach Pasta

Ah, pasta. Where would a bike tourist be without it? And yet, we can eat it so often after a long day of cycling that pasta quickly gets boring.

The good news is that it’s easy to dress pasta up with many different ingredients. Chorizo & Spinach Pasta is one of our favourite recipes for on-the-road mealtimes.

Pasta with Cabbage and Chorizo

Here’s our ingredient list. Serves 2 hungry cyclists.


250g pasta
125g chorizo, sliced (or any other meat you fancy: bacon, ground beef…)
1 onion, sliced
2 cloves garlic, sliced
1 green pepper, chopped
250g kale, spinach or cavolo nero cabbage
3 tsp spices (we use a mix of paprika, dried hot chiles and basil)
oil or butter for frying
250ml chopped tomatoes
200ml cream (optional)

This is a very versatile recipe, so amend it according to what you can find. Also, for short trips (such as an S240) you can chop and wash everything at home so it’s ready to go in the evening.

Ingredients for a camping supperAll the ingredients, chopped up at home and ready to go for a quick overnight bike camping trip.


1. Fry the onion, garlic, green peppers and chorizo in a little oil. Cook until the vegetables are softened and the sausage is brown. Set aside in a bowl.

2. In the same pan, saute the greens until they’re wilted and tender. Add the tomato sauce and spices and let it bubble away for 2-3 minutes.

3. Cook the pasta as you normally do. Drain and mix with the vegetables and sauce.

4. Add the cream, if desired. It’s not necessary but a nice treat if you’ve had hard day on the road, or are just craving something luxurious. You may need to reheat the pot of food slightly, if you use the cream.

Eat and enjoy! For a vegetarian version, check out Tomato & Kale pasta.