2nd Edition of the Bike Touring Survival Guide, Now Available!

Bike Touring Survival Guide Three years ago, we published our Bike Touring Survival Guide.

Our goal was to provide a helpful, affordable and comprehensive handbook for anyone planning a bike tour. So far, it seems to be hitting the mark, with over 6,000 copies sold and a raft of positive reviews. This success encouraged us to continue working on the book and in early 2013 we actively began pulling together an updated version.

What started as a ‘simple’ update turned into rather more. We’ve added maps, freshened up the diagrams, completely revised the text and unearthed dozens of new tips.

Today, we’re proud to say that the 2nd edition is complete! The book totals 450-pages (or 128,000 words) of bike touring guidance.

If you’ve bought a copy in the past through this website, you’ll be receiving an email in the coming days to download the new version. If you want to get a copy for the first time you can do that here.

Finally, let us say Thanks for all of your support over the past two years as we’ve tried to find a way to keep blogging and writing, while still being parents to our young son and holding down full-time jobs. It hasn’t always been easy and at times we’ve considered giving up the website altogether. Your kind comments, emails and feedback have kept us going, so cheers for that!

With the 2nd edition now out, we’re going to refocus on reviving the blog over the coming months. Hopefully we can slowly find time again to share more Bike Touring Inspiration.

Friedel, Andrew & Luke