113km Col de la Croix de Berthel – Millau

First view of the Millau ViaductThe road goes right through the rockAfter hearing about storm alerts and heavy rains the night before on the radio, we looked out of our tent somewhat apprehensively in the morning. A grey, misty morning greeted us along with a cool breeze, not great cycling weather but not enough to stop us either. We quickly took down the tent, heated just enough water for a cup of coffee, and set off at 8:30am. All the climbing of yesterday paid off into a 20km downhill stretch, a nice way to start the day. By the time we entered the Gorges du Tarn around 10am it was still drizzling but the scenery of the gorges more than made up for a bit of wet weather. Huge cliffs surrounded us for most of the day, along with villages carved into the mountains, a beautiful green river, and eagles soaring high above. It is no wonder the route we took seems to be a tourist mecca in the summer. We passed several huge parking lots and endless campsites. This time of year, however, everything was closed, the bonus for us being that we hardly saw any cars. Certainly not more than three or four an hour. Thankfully most of the day saw us going downhill, so we were able to reach Millau by 4pm – a big day for us but one that will make tomorrow easier to manage.