52km Calonge – Lloret de Mar

Going through a tunnel along a mountain roadCamping about 50km outside BarcelonaToday was a day of dodging the rain, from the moment we woke up around 7am. We packed up everything in the tent and then, every time there was a break in the showers, we stepped out to put a couple more panniers on the bikes. Finally there was a big enough dry spell for us to take down the tent and we tentatively headed out around 8:30am. The clouds held off for about an hour and a half, until we were having a coffee in a local shop when the heavens opened again and started pouring. Not so great for biking! When the rain eased a few minutes later we headed down the road, determined to make at least a little headway. Our start didn’t last long and we spend much of the time between 10 o’clock and noon under canopies and archways, making only a total of 20km for the morning. That’s about half of our normal pace. The sun finally broke out around midday, just as we headed onto another windy, mountain-hugging coastal road, which offered views over the Mediterranean, down onto rustic beaches and of course of local resorts, very few of which seemed to fit in with the surroundings. Still, the natural scenery was pretty and we had hardly any cars to contend with. Around 3pm we reached Lloret de Mar, a large, built-up city with little attractive on the surface, aside from a very nice campground which is open year-round! Being a bit tired from the hills and the rain, we jumped at our chance to stop a bit earlier than normal. In the high season this place, with its swimming pool, hot water and shiny bathrooms, would probably be too expensive for us but at the moment it comes in at just under 14 euros for the night. We are one of only three or four occupied pitches in a campground that must see hundreds of occupants in the summer. No wonder most places close in the winter!