62km Barcelona – Vilanova

At the top of a hill, in a scenic part outside BarcelonaWe didn’t take any pictures this morning as we made our way out of Barcelona, but if we had they might have been captioned something like: “We’ve run into a motorway.” “Hey, here’s a roundabout with no signs whatsoever.” “Oh look, another motorway.” and “We have no idea where we are”. It took us a good two hours to do less than 20km, zigzagging left and right but broadly northwest until finally we surfaced in a small seaside community just outside the city. At times we felt like we were on an island surrounded by motorways, which are illegal for us to cycle on and something we have no desire to experience. So much for our hopes of a nice cycle path alongside the beach to take us out of the city! The afternoon improved by leaps and bounds. After a bite to eat on the sand, we carried on up a windy road that crossed over the motorway and gave us great views over the Mediterranean. We passed through the town of Sitges looking for a campground but they were all closed, so we found one in the next village over – a real tourist magnet. At 22.50 euros the night it is by far the most expensive campground we’ve stayed in, but we were tired and frankly wild camping spots don’t exactly abound on this stretch of Spanish coastline. We look a bit out of place with our tent compared with the huge campervans and we’ve already lost one neighbour, who drove off from the lot next to ours muttering because he couldn’t get a signal on his satellite dish which was apparently “very important”. But hey, there’s toilet paper in the loos which is a luxury we haven’t seen since Canada so who’s complaining?! We also plan to take advantage of one of the three pools on site before we leave tomorrow.