77km Vilanova – Cambrils

Our wild campsiteNot a bad sunset, as wellThe nicest part of today came right at the end, a lovely deserted beach with a few palm trees on it to camp on. Well, deserted in the Spanish sense, which means all the apartments along it are empty and only a daytime walking path runs long its edge. We had tried to find a camping spot for the evening but after checking at least half a dozen and finding them all closed we opted for the beach. Most of the day was not so pleasant, working our way along the busy highway that runs between Barcelona and Valencia. It’s not the motorway but for a cyclist it’s nearly as bad. About half of the traffic is made up of huge lorries and when we’re not contending with big trucks barreling down on us we have an uninspiring landscape to admire, made up only of ugly holiday flats and towns that boast businesses such as 24-hour mini golf and pool maintenance. We have about 240km to go to Valencia and unless the scenery changes we are likely to push as hard as we can to get there, so we can then relax in what is supposed to be a charming city.