42km Isla Plana – Ramonete

The view as we cycled a remote road, just inside AndaluciaAs seen from our wild campsiteA lazy day if there ever was one. After listening to the expats in the campsite celebrate New Years (the Germans at midnight European time, and the Brits one hour later in time with the UK), we rolled out of our tent quite late in the morning and just managed to get on our bikes and down the road by 10:30am. Of course a morning isn’t a morning without a Spanish coffee so by lunchtime we’d hardly gone anywhere! We continued to make slow progress in the afternoon as we headed on to a beautiful if bumpy dirt road that led along the coast to several beaches. As we’ve discovered, cycling in the heat isn’t when we make our best time so we stopped on one of the beaches to eat our lunch and read our books for a couple hours. Setting off again about 2pm, we continued to ease our way along the dirt road, before finally emerging in the middle of a sea of greenhouses, all growing tomatoes, no doubt for the UK market. It was a bit like the Eden Project, but much uglier! We finally found our way out of the greenhouse maze and into a more mountainous area, where we pulled off to the side of the road and pitched our tent for the night.