85km Ramonete – Mojacar

There is no shortage of beautiful coastlines here!We were up before the first rays of the sun and on the road as soon as the light would allow us to cycle. For our effort, we were greeted with a good 10km of climbing. Having gone without a proper breakfast in hopes of finding a cafe down the road, it was a tough start to the day! Our efforts paid off though, as the next 20km was downhill all the way into the town of Aguilas. After stocking up on groceries at Lidl – our favourite discount supermarket – we had lunch by the port and then carried on along the coast towards Almeria. There was plenty of climbing in the afternoon as well, but the hills were not too big and came with regular downhill stretches to match so we made good time inbetween stops to admire the view over the Mediterranean. A few campgrounds came our way but they were all quite expensive so we carried on, finally finding one that was just 12.50 euros. That left enough in the budget for two large beers at the local British pub, which was our goal all along!