56km Torox – Malaga

MalagaWe set off from Torox a little worse for wear, as our colds drained us of energy. We were keen to get to Malaga though, to check out what ferry services were available to Morocco. After several weeks on the Spanish coastline, we’re now ready for a change and we’d heard that there was a new fast ferry to Africa. The ride to Malaga was the easiest we’ve had for several days, quite flat and keeping right along the coast. Only the final stretch into the city was a bit hectic with heavy traffic but we were able to get onto a walking path before too long. Malaga surprised us as a city. We thought it would be full of British pubs and generally a tourist trap but we didn’t see one English bar the whole time we were there and enjoyed the architecture and the city’s historic centre. The tourist office was very helpful with all of our questions. We found out there was a new fast ferry to the Spanish enclave of Meillia, taking 3 hours instead of the usual 7 hour journey, but it only runs on Mondays. Instead, we ended up buying tickets for the slow boat at 33 euros each, with no extra charge for the bicycles. We also picked up a map for Morocco and a few extra parts for the bikes.