99km Tiznit to Agadir

It was market day somewhere nearbyToday was one of those days where you just have to pedal hard and get it overwith. The N1 road running between Tiznit and Agadir was overcrowded with traffic on it, littered with garbage on both sides, and contained far too many truck drivers, most of whom thought they were Michael Schumacher but in reality had the cornering skills of a donkey-driven cart. In hindsight we probably should have chosen a different route, avoiding Tiznit altogether.

The only thing that kept us remotely amused was a long string of vehicles carrying everything you can imagine to and from market. Sheep, cows, chickens and vegetables all flew by us, often with a few people thrown in for good measure. Once again we ended up in an overpriced, ugly campground. We are hoping for better from Essouira and remain confused as to why so many motorhomes are attracted to this stretch of Morocco.