88km Imsswane – Essaouira

The kids return to say good morningOnce again we had a peaceful night of wild camping, something we’d really recommend in Morocco as there are so rarely any problems and the sites you can find are so beautiful compared to the campgrounds. The morning silence was soon broken, however, by the return of the kids on their way to school, eager to greet us again and touch everything in sight. Trying to pack up a tent with six kids inside it just doesn’t work, we can tell you!

Eventually they all ran off to school and we got the bikes together, going just a short distance to the town of Tamanar where we got a second coffee with Kristian. He actually seemed more keen to find a decent cake, which we suppose must be a German trait. It seems every time we meet some Germans they pull a cake out of one pocket or the other or find a bakery with bloodhound-like accuracy.

Morning snack breakThe three of us cycled together for most of the day, until we pulled over to run behind some bushes for a pee and he carried on ahead. He’d talked about wild camping for a second night just outside Essaouira and we were more interested in a shower at the nearest campground, so we were going our separate ways. It’s just too bad we didn’t get his address, so Kristian if you are reading this, please get in touch!