Wanted: Your Stories Of Tricky & Creative Bike Touring Moments

Our first Australian punctureFor the last few months, we’ve been working on a book chock full of handy hints and tips for bicycle touring.

It includes ideas for dealing with bike breakdowns, maintaining the gear we all carry (tents, sleeping mats, stoves…) and ways to deal with the challenges of daily life on the road.

We’re almost done writing, and now we’d like your help.

Have you experienced a moment where you had to think creatively? If so, share it and you might win a copy of our new book!

Your story might tell about when your bike broke in the middle of nowhere and you had to do a field repair. Maybe there was a problem with another part of your gear, like a leak in your tent or a stove that wouldn’t work. It might be similar to the ones recently shared on our Facebook page.

“I pushed a tyre well beyond its design life during the Great Bike Ride.
To make it last once the threads were showing, I glued puncture repair
patches over the tread and got a crucial few hundred more miles out of it.”
Vin Cox

“We were in Tanzania when the spring on my front brake broke.
In a small town, under a shade tree we found a young guy working on bikes.
When we asked, do you have this part he said, ‘No’. Then he said, ‘But I can make
it!’ He took a spoke and bent/twisted it to match the broken spring and installed it.
I rode all the way to Cape Town, South Africa before having it changed.”
Cat and Pat Patterson

The stories you tell might cover mechanical challenges or parts of your daily routine, like finding water and a place or sleep or dealing with the extra and often overwhelming attention travelling by bicycle attracts in some countries.

We’d love to hear your experiences, and include them in our book for other cyclists to learn from.

If you have a good tale, write it down and email it to us!

It doesn’t have to be long (500 words is plenty). If we use your story, we’ll give you a free copy of the finished eBook.