Permacyclists and a Cycling Circus

cyclingcircusNow that we’re no longer on the road, we need plenty of bike blogs to keep us dreaming.

I’ve rarely met a blog I didn’t like but I get particularly excited when I find a trip that’s just starting so I can follow along from the beginning and this week I found two. Why not add them to your reading list too?

  • Permacyclists – Anna and Dave flew out from London in late 2009 for Kenya and plan to spend 2010 in Africa. Their writing is colourful and they have some beautiful photos too, great ingredients for a fantastic blog.
  • 2Wheels4Change – This cycling circus troop is made up of 14 young artists. In March 2010, they’ll set off from Germany, bound for Mongolia, giving performances in small towns along the way. At the moment, they’re looking for contacts in the countries they’ll be going through so if you know someone in Poland or further east, why not hook them up?