Poll Results: Your Bike Touring Concerns

We’ve had a poll running for over a month now about your bike touring concerns and a big thanks goes out to the 180 of you who let us know what worries you most in relation to travelling by bicycle.

Now, it’s time to reveal the results. Here are the Top 10 Bike Touring Concerns…


Getting hit by a vehicle ranks at the top of your worries – understandable given that traffic is something every cyclist has to deal with on a daily basis. The good news is that it’s also very easy to lower the risk of being hit by a car through simple steps like cycling confidently (being predictable), making sure you’re highly visible and picking a route carefully.

Personal safety is another big concern, as is finding a place to sleep at night.

Outside the top 3 worries, your responses were split nearly evenly between having your bike stolen, time and financial concerns, aggressive dogs, illness and bike maintenance issues.

For all of these issues, there are ways to make the worst-case scenario far less likely. Some we’ve already dealt with (see the list below), while others we’ll look at over the coming weeks.

For now, try reading these articles that deal with your most common concerns: