Your bike touring concerns?

76-Bikes at Apamea.jpgYou have a dream. You want to ride your bike across your state, your country or even the whole world.

But along with the excitement of that dream, there are the butterflies doing loops in your stomach. What about this? What if that?

It’s normal of course to have some concerns, whether you’re an experienced bike tourist or a beginner,  and we’d like you to share them with us. Let us know what your biggest worry is by participating in the poll below. Is it dealing with traffic? Getting lost? Or something else altogether?

In a few weeks, we’ll tally up the responses and offer tips for dealing with those challenges.

Update: The poll is now complete. See what bike tourists are most concerned about.

Your top bike touring concern is….

Total Votes: 182
Started: November 25, 2009
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