A $2 Guide To Bicycle Touring

dsc_1319You don’t get much for $2 these days, so when I heard about the Urban Adventure League’s Cycle Touring Primer, I had to check it out.

It arrived in the mail yesterday, just a small book inside a normal envelope, and a flip through its pages confirms my hopes: it’s a mini treasure.

While by no means an all-inclusive guide to bike touring, the Cycle Touring Primer by Shawn Granton entertains with cartoons and doles out plenty of helpful advice like how far to go in a day (“Bicycle touring is not a race…”), how many water bottles to carry (“It’s good to have at least two, three if you can.”) and other helpful tips (“Before you go on your big tour, go on a small one”).

It’s well worth the $2 and you can get your copy by ordering online, or by stuffing $2 in an envelope and sending it to:

Shawn Granton
P.O. Box 14185
Portland, OR

Email: urbanadventureleague at gmail dot com