Finishing A Tour… 34 Years Later

Frank (on the left)If one person shows how it’s never to late to complete your dreams, it must be Dutch cyclist Frank van Dijk. His 7,000km cross-America tour from Oregon to Virginia in 1976 was cut short in Kansas when an old lady crashed her Buick into Frank’s bike.

The impact threw Frank onto the hood. His head was smashed through the windshield. He went to hospital in a coma and suffered a broken arm.

Fast forward to 2010 and now Frank is ready to make a comeback tour. In August 2010 he will fly to America and complete the journey from all those decades ago by cycling from the original planned end point in Virginia, all the way back to where he and the Buick collided.

We hope to feature Frank more on this site, as his tour date draws closer. Until then, check out the video and Frank’s site, Tour de Frank.