Pee Standing Up (and a contest!)

gogirlwhiz_freedompstyleMen, look away now. And women, if you never knew you wanted to pee standing up, this article is for you.

First, let me make clear that I have no problem squatting in the woods. I can even handle grotty bathrooms (I’ve had my fair share of practice in squat toilets) but sometimes I’ve longed for the advantages of the male plumbing system. Happily, there’s not much they don’t make these days and over the past week I’ve been testing out 3 different ways for women to pee standing up.

Once you’ve read my thoughts on the pStyle, the Whiz Freedom and the Go Girl, don’t forget to leave a comment if you’re a woman and tell us why you’d like to try one out for free.

I have a Whiz Freedom and a Go Girl to give away and next week I’ll choose two of the best comments to receive one.

Pee Standing Up: Comparing the pStyle, the Whiz Freedom and the Go Girl