96km Tahitótfalu to Komárom

Simply massiveKeeping coolThe perils of other campers are keeping us amused as we eat supper and write our journal this evening. The couple next door are trying to put up their tent. It’s from the sports chain Decathlon and they boast that you should be able to throw the tent on the ground and it will expand on its own, almost putting itself up instantaneously. The tent even has “30 seconds” written in big letters on the side. It’s been a good 15 minutes now and this couple are still working on their tent. First it wouldn’t lay flat, then they seemed to be confused about which way round the various strings should be. Will they get to bed before dark? We’ll wait and see! Before we relaxed in the campground, we had another hot day of cycling in the sun. We’d hoped to follow a cycle trail since the “Danube Cycle Path” from Budapest to Vienna is quite well known but either we are blind or the path is well hidden because for most of the day we couldn’t find a cycle trail at all and when we did see a path it was either in bad condition or right next to the busy main road. Hardly the quiet cycle ride along the river that we’d envisioned and we suspect we weren’t alone in wondering where the “Danube Cycle Path” was, since we saw dozens of cycle tourists heading the other way also on the main road. Instead of pedalling amongst the trees we steadily ticked off kilometers with the cars and trucks for much of the day as we set a course for the border crossing with Slovakia. We had to stop quite often for cool drinks and naps in the shade since the heat starting building around 9am and really didn’t ease until at least 6pm. A nice feature of the day was our stop in Esztergom, where a huge cathedral — the Primate’s Basilica of the Blessed Virgin Mary taken into heaven and St Adalbert — sits on a hill, dominating the view for miles around. Its dome and gigantic pillars at the entrance almost makes St. Paul’s cathedral in London look small. We walked around the grounds and admired the Danube from high up, before continuing on our way. At lunch we sat at a local fishing hole and watched the locals catching very small fish, almost not worth the effort in the noon day sun. But it gave us some entertainment while we ate and rested, in the shade.