The Game Of Armchair Bike Touring

Here’s something fun: a game to teach you the basics of bike touring.

Armchair Bike Touring has been developed by Ray of the Bike Touring Tips website and it takes you through some basic bike touring experiences.

Armchair Bike Touring

The format is relatively simple: there are 3 tours to complete (a short, medium and long one) and along the way you have to make decisions like when to eat and where to sleep for the night. Sometimes there are challenges to deal with (headwinds and flat tires). Other times the game sends a “road angel” your way who might offer a room for the night.

Although basic in its design, the game is an excellent way to get you thinking about life on the road, especially if you haven’t toured before.

Try it out and let Ray know what you think. He’s keen to make improvements, so any feedback you can send his way will be appreciated.