88km Rossatz to Dornach

FroggyOne of the changes we’ve noticed in our bodies over the past year of cycling is that our sweet cravings have gone through the roof. Chocolate, dried fruit, cookies, ice cream. Before our trip we rarely indulged in these things but now we’re certainly working off the calories and we usually have at least one treat a day. Today our fixation was on cake. We dreamt of all kinds of cake as we biked along the Danube. Cherry cake, brownies, donuts. If only Austria had a Tim Hortons! Andrew decided he would have two maple glazed donuts with a large double double and Friedel wanted a large coffee with milk and a box of Timbits. Tim Hortons… are you listening? One express parcel to our tent please! With no donut shops on our path we settled instead on a local pub, which had a coffee and cake special advertised on their blackboard. It wasn’t Tim Hortons but it was a pretty good Sunday treat: peach cake dusted with icing sugar and a steaming hot black coffee. Not far up the road we found the perfect corn field to plant our tent behind. The cycle trail has plenty of campsites along its length but equally lots of quiet spots and with camping prices at summer highs we’re taking advantage of all the green space to try and bring our budget back under control. We’d hoped to average €25 a day across Europe but after curling in Italy and buying things like new shoes and tyres we’re now hovering around €30 a day. Still not bad for two people travelling in very developed countries but we think we can manage a few weeks on the cheap to bring the average back down again.