43km Vrosina to Ioannina

A good view back toward IoanninaSmall shrine burning oilWe woke up t’ t’ news this mornin’ that it was international “talk like a pirate day” so it was with a yo-ho-ho and a quick scrub under some cold sprin’ water (no rum in our coffee, unfortunately) that we set course for t’ next set o’ hills. We practiced our pirate greetin’s from peak t’ peak and took refuge under t’ shade o’ many roadside trees. We truly went at a snail’s pace, probably only about twice as smartly as a normal walkin’ speed. Like ayeterday, t’ road proved t’ be desolate until we reached t’ outskirts o’ Ioannina. T’ only person we saw who wasn’t in a vehicle was an elderly lady, dressed head t’ toe in black aside from t’ sliver o’ white skin peekin’ out between t’ top o’ her knee-high stockin’s and t’ bottom o’ her skirt. We were glad we’d made aye t’ fill up on water and food before we port Vrosina.Even so, we’d used up most o’ our supplies by t’ time we got t’ Ioannina, each o’ us gulpin’ down about four litres o’ water durin’ t’ climbs, several bananas and a mouthful o’ baklava – pastry filled with nuts, soaked in a syrup o’ honey and spices. We were thrilled t’ find a campground with no less o’ a view than t’ road that awaits us tomorrow. Our tent be pitched by a lake and on t’ other side o’ t’ water we can see our road slowly climbin’ t’ mountain for what must be a good 10 kilometers. T’ road then rounds a bend and we’re not aye what awaits us after that. At least it looks fairly gentle so although we’ll be goin’ steadily upwards we should be able t’ do it without too much huffin’ and puffin’.

(If this was all a little too much for you, fear not. The normal English version returns tomorrow!)