A visit to Meteora

Monastery silhouetteThrough the monastery windowWhen we first approached Meteora, coming down the Katara pass, both of us thought “that doesn’t look so impressive”. We wondered if we’d been conned into cycling into this town of hilltop monasteries for a landscape that wasn’t quite as good as it looked in the tourist brochures. But as soon as we boarded the local bus and started winding our way up the hill to the Great Meteoron monastery — the largest and highest of the monasteries — we were sold. The views are simply stunning and for once we did not mind sharing the space with the hundreds of other tourists also in awe not only at the landscape but, of course, at the treasures in the monasteries. We only had time to see two of the building and to slowly trek down between the rocks back to the town at the foot of the cliffs but  we could have spent the better part of a week here visiting each one. If you ever get the chance to come to Meteora, it is worth the trip.