What We’re Taking On Our World Bike Tour

I thought it would be a good idea to list everything we’re taking on our world bike tour.

This list may change slightly over the next few weeks as we add and drop things and is certainly not complete yet, but this is the list as it stands:

Bikes, tools & spares:
2 custom built Robin Mather touring bikes with steel Tubus racks
2 Ortlieb backroller plus back panniers
2 Ortlieb backpacker plus front panniers
4 Ortlieb front panniers
2 spare tyres
2 spare inner tubes
4 bungee cords
8 pannier rain covers (for visibility)
2 bells
4 lights (front and back Catseye LEDs)
1 tube of grease
1 bottle of chain oil
1 roll duct tape
1 puncture repair kit
6 cable ties
1 pump
2 tyre levers
4 brake pads
3 brake/gear cables
5 bottle cages & bottles
3 Abus locks (2 cable, 1 u-lock)
1 seat post alarm
2 ‘Take a look’ rear view mirrors
2 cycle computers
1 Alien multi-tool
1 Pedal Wrench (to be dropped after Canada)
2 cone spanners
12 spare spokes
1 spoke tool

1 Hilleberg Nallo 3GT tent and footprint
2 Thermarest mattresses
2 Mountain Equipment Co-op Helium 400 sleeping bags
2 homemade sleepsacks
1 MSR Whisperlite International
1 MSR fuel Bottle
1 MSR water filter
1 set of Alpine pots
1 pack matches
2 sets cutlery
1 Swiss Army knife
1 head torch Petzl Tikka
2 cups
2 bowls
1 small selection of spices

1 First Aid Kit
1 Toiletries bag with all the usual toothpaste, shampoo, lotion etc…
Medicines including aspirin, antihistamines
1 bottle Sunscreen
1 Mooncup
1 Elastic Drying Line
1 large Soft Fibre Trek Towel
1 Sewing Kit
2 Emergency Blankets
1 Eyeglass cleaner/repair kit

Technology & Fun:
1 laptop Let’s Note W4
1 Edirol 09 voice recorder + Microphone
1 D70 SLR camera plus 12-24 and macro lens
1 Sony T9 compact camera (with option to shoot video)
1 Deck cards + small book of card games
2 Books
1 SW Roberts radio

Clothes (Andrew):
1 Sunglasses
1 Swimming Trunks
1 set of Goretex Rainproof clothing
1 Merino wool jumper
1 fleece
1 pair cycling gloves
3 t-shirts/cycling jerseys
2 pairs trousers
1 pair 3/4 length shorts
2 bicycling shorts
3 pairs socks
1 pair cycle shoes
1 pair Teva sandals
1 pair off-bike Merrell shoes

Clothes (Friedel):
3 quick-dry t-shirts
1 fitted fleece
1 Merino wool jumper
2 pairs trousers
2 pairs bicycle shorts
1 pair Reebok 3/4 length shorts
3 pairs underwear
2 bandanas
4 pairs socks
1 pair cycling gloves
1 pair shower sandals
1 pair Sunglasses
1 Swimsuit
1 set Goretex Rainproof clothing