Show 34: Heinz Stücke Interview

Heinz Stucke, Copyright Anthony Atkielski (Agateller)Heinz Stücke is the world’s most experienced bike tourist.

On the road since 1962, he’s covered 600,000km by bicycle, through most of the countries in the world. Now 70 years old, Heinz is still going strong.

I was fortunate to speak to Heinz by phone while he was taking a winter break in Paris.

In this 45-minute interview (the best of a 2 hour phone conversation), Heinz talks about how his approach to bike touring has changed over the years, why he doesn’t wear a helmet but believes it should be illegal to cycle without a mirror, how he really feels about bicycle paths and what he hopes to achieve in future years.

Show Notes:

*Some people have indicated they find Heinz hard to understand because of his accent. Thanks to Jesse, a kind reader, we have a transcript of the interview with Heinz Stücke!