Use Your Camera To Navigate, Travel Lighter

Almost everyone carries a camera when bike touring but have you ever thought to use it for more than snapshots?

Here are two unconventional but useful tips for using your camera while traveling:

1. Take pictures of maps You’re in a city and you spot a great city map on a sign. It’s much more detailed than the map you have. Whip out your camera and take a picture. You can do this for maps you look up on Google as well. Just photograph the computer monitor. When you’re not sure which way to turn, whip out your camera and review the file. Easy peasy.

2. Document important papers – You never know when you might need a copy of your passport or proof of insurance but carrying too many photocopies and sheets of paper around can weigh your panniers down faster than a rock collection. Instead, take a photo of the documents and then upload a copy to a secure, online storage area. For example, you can attach the documents in an email and send them to yourself. That way they’ll always be accessible when you need them but you don’t have to carry any heavy paper.