70km Riviere de la Roche to Notre Dame Du Lac

A slightly longer day for us, but not too hard a one as we were on the Rail Trail all day, which means no traffic and a very gently graded slope. After the first 20km, a lot of today’s ride was downhill so we made quite good time! This part of the trail is fantastic, most of it on hard packed ground so no loose gravel to contend with and as it’s autumn we also get to see the fall colours. Lots of beaver dams too and a few herons, dozens of chipmunks, but nothing in the way of big wildlife. Our bikes are likely too noisy to allow us to sneak up on a moose. Got through the afternoon thanks to a bakery, where we picked up a massive molasses cookie (a “galette” in French) and an apple turnover, as well as a baguette for supper. It’s amazing the food you get through when you’re cycling. Spent the night at a campground right on the trail in Notre Dame Du Lac and also next to Lake Temiscouata, so we enjoyed watching the ducks as we ate supper and the sun went down.