Crossing The Border

Just a little note to say we’ve finally crossed the border into New Brunswick. We’ve got about 500km behind us and roughly the same amount ahead of us before Sackville. The trip has been amazing so far and, although we’re a little sunburnt, we are loving every minute of it. We really notice every little change in the scenery, from corn fields in the first part of Quebec to hillier roads towards New Brunswick and now the amazing fall colours welcoming us home.

We’ve met some great characters along the way too, including Richard, a cyclist from Kansas who’s been on the road for 6 months every year for the last 12 years. We’ve got an interview with him coming up, once we get to somewhere where we can upload it, including a trumpet solo from him, played on the side of the 132 highway in Quebec, just outside Kamouraska.

We’ll camp in Edmunston tonight, and then head for Grand Falls tomorrow.