Biciklo Bike Guide Winners!

Screen shot 2010-10-09 at 8.00.28 AMWhat a great way to start the week: announcing the winners of our contest to win a bicycle touring guide, from bike tour search engine biciklo.

To enter, we asked you to tell us one thing you like about TravellingTwo. It was so interesting for us to see what you said (apparently we need to get working on another podcast!) and we found it very hard to choose. How do you pick between so many nice comments?

When we simply can’t make up our minds, a random number generator comes in pretty handy. Thanks to everyone who participated!

Here are the winning comments:

Taylor West, U.S.A.

“I love listening to the podcast – many deep, insightful interviews with fascinating people and intriguing journeys. Thank you for helping educate the rest of us!”

Keith Gorham, Canada

“You are living my dream, great adventures. I did my first tour in the summer and can hardly wait for the next one. You are very inspiring.”

Frank, England

“Of all the bike touring website out there, yours is the one that I keep coming back to, almost daily. The regular updates and extremely informative articles and resources make your site second to none. Thanks so much.”

Jonathan, UK

“The great variation of the information aids alot in all differing areas of the touring or just cycling lifestyle.”

Jerod Arlich, U.S.A.

“Your site has helped me to make my first bicycle tour a reality. I referenced your information many times through the planning process.”