Creative Bike Repairs: Fitting a 32-spoke hub in a 36-spoke rim

Sonya & AaldrikBike touring sometimes requires you to be creative, especially if your bike breaks down and you can’t get access to the parts you need.

That’s what happened to Sonya & Aaldrik this year. They were bike touring in Brazil, when Sonya’s rim broke.

They wanted to re-use her old 32-spoke hub (much better quality than the ones in the shop) but the shop only had a 36-spoke rim. What to do? Make the two fit together, of course.

Play the video to hear the story of this creative on-the-road bike touring repair. You can also listen to a full interview with Sonya & Aaldrik.

A Creative Wheel Repair On A Bicycle Tour from travellingtwo on Vimeo.

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