Running for the border

Just a few things on this bikeA half-planted rice fieldWe are off again and running for the border. Can you tell that life is much easier on the visa front now??! No more waiting around for days, weeks even, at embassies, pushing and shoving to get to a little window and deal with a grumpy official. Here in Southeast Asia it’s all much simpler, just show up and get a stamp. So, that’s what we’re going to do. The Cambodian border point of Chong Sa-gnam is only about 100km away and theoretically there’s a lovely new road leading past Pol Pot’s old house and directly to Siem Reap, where the temples of Angkor Wat are. Well, that’s what we’re told anyway. We certainly hope so! It’s the rainy season and if the road is in bad shape (we’re told Cambodia is a definite candidate for the world’s worst roads – will it take Turkmenistan’s crown??) we’ll arrive in Siem Reap covered in mud. Hopefully things will be a bit easier than that. There hasn’t been much rain here in Surin lately and we’re crossing our fingers the same has been true just a little bit further south. In Siem Reap we’ve already found a hotel with free wireless internet so from there we’ll tell you about all our shenanigans here in Thailand, including doing just what the UK Foreign Office always tells you not to do: getting involved in political demonstrations. So that’s what we were doing when someone said ‘hold this flag’…. don’t worry it all worked out well and we aren’t running for the border chased by Thai authorities! Stay tuned for the next installment from Cambodia.