Ride The Divide DVD Winners!

divideposter-485x666Last week we held a contest to give away 2 copies of Ride The Divide – a film about cycling the Great Divide mountain bike route in North America.

All you had to do was tell us about your dream bicycle tour, and dozens of you did just that.

The West Highland way. Tierra del Fuego. Around Britain. The entire Lewis and Clark Trail. Southern Europe. The Pan-American highway. Trails along the Swiss Alps.

These were just a few of the amazing responses, and each one made us want to jump on our bikes now and start pedaling. We’d give you all a DVD if we could, but there can only be two winners so here the winning names that we drew out of a hat:

#1  – Joshua Bryant who told us about his dream to cycle the great Silk Road routes of Central Asia and China (as well as a few other places!). Joshua, we can tell you from personal experience that Central Asia is amazing. Go for it!

Ride The Divide DVD Winner Joshua Bryant

#2 – UK Bob who wants to pedal around Australia to celebrate his 50th birthday next year. We love the quote that Bob included in his entry: “Don’t let your biggest fears stand in the way of your dreams, even if your biggest dreams happen to be your biggest fears.”

Ride The Divide DVD Winner UK Bob

Congrats to both winners. We’ll get those DVDs on the way to you. And thanks to everyone who entered the contest! We hope you all get to live your bike touring dreams very soon.