I’d like to do that but… living your bike touring dreams

Andrew eyeing up the next hillThe hardest part of doing a bike tour is getting out the front door.

There’s always a ‘but’ that seems to be stopping you from actually following through on your dreams. But I’m not fit enough. But I’m scared. But I don’t have the money.

We’re here to tell you that there’s always a but. And it’s never the ‘right time’ to just get up and go. At some point, you just have to commit and make that leap into the unknown.

Yes, it’s daunting. Yes, it’s scary. Yes, you might feel sick to your stomach the first time you make that commitment but if you don’t, chances are that in 10 years, you’ll still be there saying “I want to take a bike tour, but…”

In our latest article, Making Your Bike Touring Dreams A Reality, we list some simple steps that can help you take that daunting step towards fulfilling your dreams.

Read more about the 7 Steps we recommend for anyone who hasn’t yet hit the road.