We’re home in Sackville: First Stage Complete

Bike in the sunshineWe’re home! Actually, we arrived in Sackville on Sunday night, but have taken a few days to rest up before updating the site. Our good luck with the weather continued right to the end. Okay, it got a touch chillier and we had a smattering of rain, but nothing too harsh and overall we really couldn’t complain. We spent two of our last four nights wild camping, once in Cambridge Narrows and another time in Knightsville, outside Sussex, so we were glad to reach Riverview on Saturday, where the Clements family kindly put us up for the night and then Sackville, where we’ll be for a few weeks. We’re waiting for the things we shipped from England to arrive here and also have a wedding to attend, before heading back to London in mid-October and continuing on with our journey. Hopefully we’ll have a podcast for you soon. We’re working on it, but the inevitable ‘technical difficulties’ are delaying things.

In the meantime, we did have our ’10 minutes of fame’ by being interviewed on CBC Radio’s NB afternoon show and you can listen to that interview. the CBC’s the Shift has removed the Stream from there system, thankfully we have a copy which you can listen to below.