Cycling The Silk Route Through Georgia, Azerbaijan and China

The Silk Road isn’t just one road; it’s actually a network of trade routes on land and water that connected Europe with various parts of Asia and even Africa.

We cycled one of the most common Silk Road routes – through Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan – but we didn’t cover all of it.

That’s why we were very happy when Shanny, a leader for the Tour d’Afrique Silk Route bicycle tour, offered to fill in a few details on some of the parts we missed. Here are Shanny’s tips:

This is a country that has gone through a rough couple of years. With the brief and powerful assault by Russia in 2008, and weakening relations with the West, it is struggling to get a foothold. But travel to Georgia is still a very feasible and safe undertaking. Visas for some nationalities can be a bit time consuming to obtain, but it’s well worth the effort.

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