56km Notre Dame du Lac to Edmunston

47094706Started the day by continuing down the rail trail, which is about 132km overall. The south half of the trail really didn’t live up to the standard set by the north half though, which was better signed, in better condition and had more facilities. The lower bit of the trail was partly paved but this meant the frost and thaw of winter and spring had ripped parts of it up, so there were a lot of cracks and bumps to navigate. It also often followed the Trans Canada highway pretty closely so none of the great views from the days before. Tourist information at the NB border were very helpful though and gave us maps for cycle trails between Grand Falls and Woodstock, also on old rail lines, so that was nice. Now we just have to navigate our way to Grand Falls / Grand Sault tomorrow, which could be full of big hills! Ended up at a great little campground just outside Edmunston for the night — Iroquois River Campground — which has very friendly owners, who let us use their phone free to order pizza, and free wireless internet of all things! We never thought we’d find that in a campground and we’ve certainly been making very good use out of it. Hope to hit Fredericton on Wednesday, where we’ll visit one of Friedel’s good friends from university.