Cycling Australia

Kangaroos are everywhere in AustraliaAustralia isn’t just a country, it’s an entire continent!

To cycle Australia in its entirety would require at least a year at a quick pace. Deserts, thousands of miles of ocean coastline, world class vineyards and much, much more are contained within its borders.

How can you pick where to go? The east coast is a very popular tourist destination but perhaps not the best for cycling as there are many cities and the traffic that inevitably goes along with large population centres.

A wonderful descent to WadamannaWe focused on Western Australia and Tasmania because of their wealth of rural roads and, particularly in the case of Tasmania, diverse scenery.

Other places to consider include the Great Ocean Road near Melbourne (beautiful scenery, busy during holiday periods), the Blue Mountains of New South Wales or the remote north such as the Pilbara. You may also want to research Australia’s various rail trails, a completely traffic-free riding option.

Here’s more information on Australia in general:

  • Budgeting: What things cost and what you can expect to spend on a bike trip to Australia.
  • Seasons: Find out what time of year is best for cycling in Australia.
  • Food: Let’s eat! There are pies, curries and even kangaroo meat.
  • Visas: Make sure to apply before you arrive.
  • Trains: Take your bike on the Indian Pacific or The Overland train – two classic rail journeys.
  • Snakes, spiders and other nasties: Don’t get bitten! But don’t be scared either.

Plus, an Aussie Riddle. When is a hotel not a hotel? Read more to find out.

We also have information on Western Australia:

And don’t forget about Tasmania, our personal favourite from all of our bike travels in Australia. We have a whole page dedicated to cycling in Australia’s smallest state. From catching the ferry to camping for free and riding up Cradle Mountain, we’ve got it all! More on cycling in Tasmania…