Cycling Cambodia

Phnom Penh cyclistsCambodia: it used to be the ‘wild west’ of Southeast Asia with bumpy and dusty dirt roads but more and more roads are being paved, making for a much smoother ride.

There’s still a rougher edge to this country than its gleaming neighbour Thailand but plenty of tourists come here to explore the wonders of Angkor Wat, beaches on the south coast and the capital Phnom Penh.

Andrew just before we turned around to find another roadNow that even more remote roads are being paved, Cambodia is completely viable as a cycling destination in the wet season; something that would have been unthinkable just a few years back. The showers usually come in the late afternoon and can be quite refreshing after a hot day in the saddle.

Having said that, there are still a few excellent dirt roads to explore, particularly along the Mekong River between Phnom Penh and Laos. Notable among these is the Mekong Discovery Trail.

We explored Cambodia in the summer of 2008, and our notes are below. Obviously quite some time has passed since we were there, so a few things will have changed. Do search around the net to find other, more recent, links.

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