Challenges & Adversity

Cold weather cyclingBike tourists have to deal with all kinds of challenges.

There’s bad weather, aggressive dogs, poor roads and then there’s that little matter of how to keep clean, when you’re not always sleeping in campgrounds or hotels.

Happily, there are ways to deal with all of these things. In this section, we talk about some of the challenging situations you might face on a bike tour and how to deal with them.

For Women: How To Pee Standing Up

Men, look away now. And women, if you never knew you wanted to pee standing up, this article is for you. First, let me make clear that I have no problem squatting in the woods. I can even handle grotty bathrooms (I’ve had my fair share of practice in squat toilets) but sometimes on our […] Read More »

Bike Maintenance After Rain

When the sun comes out after a long day of bike touring in the rain, give your bike a little love and attention to keep it running smoothly. It takes less than half an hour to clean your bike up. For your efforts, you’ll get to ride without any annoying squeaking or grinding noises. Read More »

Keeping Cool On Summer Bike Tours

Summer is both the nicest time of year to go on bike tour, and also one of the more challenging. After personally experiencing sunburn, sunstroke and dehydration, we have a few tips on staying cool and healthy while cycling in hot weather. Read More »

Finding Electricity For Gadgets While Bike Touring

Are you one of those people that can’t leave home without your digital camera, mp3 player, laptop, mobile phone and of course a handheld GPS receiver to navigate your way around the world? We have to answer ‘guilty’ to carrying around several gadgets. Many people will prefer a simpler way of touring but we make […] Read More »

How To Cross A River With Your Bicycle

Being able to cross or ford a river with your bicycle is a handy skill. You just never know when heavy rains or seasonal floods will take out a stretch of road. Being confident enough to get across the water can save you a long detour. It can also be fun and add an extra […] Read More »

Cycling in Mountains

The world’s mountains make for beautiful biking but without careful planning they can also be dangerous for cyclists. Think ahead before you go into the mountains. How is the weather? How much food and water do you need? How far can you realistically go if you’re climbing uphill? Key things to keep in mind include: […] Read More »

Keeping Clean On Tour

Most of us like to get scrubbed up at the end of a long day on the road, especially during hot weather, when salt and sweat quickly make you feel grubby. Getting a shower is easy if you’re staying in a campground or hotel every night but what if you’re bike touring on a low […] Read More »

Dealing With Dogs On A Bike Tour

Dogs can be a big annoyance for bike tourists, from the domestic pet who isn’t trained or tied up and comes running after your wheels to the aggressive sheepdogs of Greece and Turkey. A quick online search reveals a wealth of “cures”. There are gadgets that emit a sound that is unpleasant to a dog’s […] Read More »

Bang! Avoiding Lightning On Your Bike Tour

Not a lot scares me about bike touring any more. I’ve come to terms with heavy traffic, sounds in the night while wild camping and the agony of leaving the security of home behind for life on the road. But there’s still one thing that turns me from an adventurous cyclist into a trembling toddler […] Read More »

Carrying Fresh Food On A Bike Tour

You’re on a bike tour so you want to eat well, but how do you keep food fresh without a refrigerator? Here are our tips for enjoying fresh food while travelling. Read More »

Packing Advice For Women On A Bike Tour

When we began our bicycle tour, I didn’t think the way I approached our journey would be very different from my husband. After cycling for so long, through so many different countries, however, there are a few packing tips I’ve learned and would like to share with other women. #1. Take A Good Moisturizing Lotion. […] Read More »

Making The Perfect Camp Coffee

A great cup of coffee is something we really look forward to in the morning, whether we’re at home or bike touring. Here’s the simplest and best way we’ve found to make our morning cuppa. All you need is the coffee, a pot and a stove. Read More »

Bike Touring With A Baby

More and more families are heading out on bicycle tours, but what is it like to travel by bike with a baby? Some people will tell you it’s impossible or, at the very least, impractical but we’ve found a few parents that prove travel with young kids is more than just feasible. It can be […] Read More »

Rainy Day Bike Touring Tips

Bike touring in the rain is rarely anyone’s first choice but when the skies open, don’t abandon your ride. In all but the heaviest downpours, cycling in the rain is definitely possible and often enjoyable. Sometimes it’s even preferable. Rain makes landscapes come alive in a way that they don’t on a sunny day. Flowers […] Read More »

Bike Touring With A Baby: In Detail

Want detailed answers to questions about bike touring with babies? You’ll find the experiences of 3 families on this page. Read More »

Bike Security & Locks For Bicycle Touring

A lot of people are concerned about having their bike stolen while on tour but it’s really not much to worry about. “Not much to worry about???” we hear you cry, while imagining every cycle tourist’s worst nightmare – a holiday spent in a police station filing reports, rather than enjoying the open road. Yes, […] Read More »