Staying Healthy On A Bike Tour

Andrew lunching at the beachYou want to stay as fit as possible on tour – who really wants to waste precious holiday time going to a hospital or lingering in a hotel room?

Happily the very act of being on your bike will probably boost your system to new highs. All that adrenaline running through your system and the positive effects of being outside and active go a long way towards general well being.

That said, a bit of forethought can go a long way to keeping you in good shape while cycle touring. And of course don’t forget to drink lots of water, take regular breaks and eat well to compensate for all the work you’re doing.

Eating On The Road

Eating ice cream by the litre has to be one of the best perks of bike touring. After all, food and calories are high priorities for cyclists! Three good meals a day and plenty of snacks are at the base of putting in a good day on the bikes. Eat less than you need – […] Read More »

MSR Miniworks EX Water Filter

We researched water filters more than any other piece of gear before we finally settled on the MSR Miniworks EX – an easy-to-use option that’s field serviceable. It’s also fairly affordable but it does tire us out when we have to pump a lot of water in one go. Read More »

Planning To Stay Healthy

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as the saying goes. To stay healthy on the road, make sure you’re in the best possible shape before you leave. Problems are much easier to sort out at home. You don’t want to ruin a vacation by trying to get medical treatment in a […] Read More »

Bike Touring Recipes

Bike touring doesn’t have to be about eating instant noodles or tins of beans every night. Here are just a few of the recipes we made on our bicycle trip. They’re all easy and quick to make, with basic ingredients you should find just about anywhere. Our focus is on food that is tasty, cheap […] Read More »

Vaccinations for Cyclists

Getting vaccinations is a key part of preparing for an international bike journey. We offer this information based on our experience but we’re not doctors so consult yours before making a decision. The first thing to consider when it comes to vaccines is planning ahead. Some require a course of two or three doses and […] Read More »

Insurance for Bicycle Tours

Getting insurance to cover your bicycle tour isn’t as straightforward as buying normal travel insurance. Not all travel insurance policies cover bicycle touring and those that do often only cover shorter trips or journeys close to home. But we can recommend 2 companies that stand out from the crowd. Read More »

Packing Advice For Women On A Bike Tour

When we began our bicycle tour, I didn’t think the way I approached our journey would be very different from my husband. After cycling for so long, through so many different countries, however, there are a few packing tips I’ve learned and would like to share with other women. #1. Take A Good Moisturizing Lotion. […] Read More »