Bike Touring Recipes

Andrew cooking dinner in FranceBike touring doesn’t have to be about eating instant noodles or tins of beans every night.

Here are just a few of the recipes we made on our bicycle trip. They’re all easy and quick to make, with basic ingredients you should find just about anywhere.

Our focus is on food that is tasty, cheap and free of unwanted extras like preservatives, chemicals and flavourings.


Piklets are a sort of savoury pancake. As long as you have a small non-stick frying pan, there’s no reason you can’t make them on the road for a tasty and cheap vegetarian supper. This recipe is for a mediterranean version of piklets but you could try endless variations. 5 large tomatoes, diced 1 cup […] Read More »

Fresh Mango & Avocado Salsa

If you can get mangos and avocados in the markets or supermarkets where you’re touring, then you can definitely make this easy and refreshing salsa. It makes a great snack with nacho chips after a long day on the bike. Read More »

Speedy Chilli

We came up with this one when we were almost out of fuel for our stove so whatever we made had to be simple and quick. This dish is not fancy, but it is very fast to make and filling! If you aren’t running out of fuel, you might cut the amount of beef down […] Read More »


Pancakes sound complicated but they’re actually very easy to make. They make a great rest-day breakfast when you have plenty of time in the morning, or try them for supper. On a shorter tour, you can, mix the dry ingredients at home before you leave. On the road, you can use water instead of milk […] Read More »

Italian Mozzarella and Tomato Salad

This is one for when you’re cycling in Italy, on a warm summer’s day. Buffalo mozzarella is so cheap there, it’s a shame not to take advantage and here’s a very simple way to enjoy it, with a traditional Caprese Salad. You can buy small bottles of olive oil in Italy, perfect for dishes like […] Read More »

Bread Salad

Also known as Panzanella, this bread salad is the perfect solution if you have a stale baguette. It’s a great chance to take advantage of day old bread on sale at the supermarket or use leftovers from lunch the day before. You can use any type of tinned fish including sardines or tuna, or go […] Read More »

Campsite Sausages & Mash

As far as food goes, a big bowl of mashed potatoes, topped with sausages and gravy goes right at the top of our ‘comfort foods’ list. We have this meal at home a lot, but had never considered making it on a bicycle tour, until Liz (who’s currently cycling in Mongolia) shared her camping version […] Read More »

Toasted Museli

This mix of oats, seeds and raisins is easy to make before you head out on a tour (or at a hostel with kitchen facilities) and makes a very hearty breakfast or an energy-packed snack as you’re cycling. The ingredients here are just a suggestion. Mix and match with whatever you like to eat best. […] Read More »

Stewed Apples

If you’re looking for comfort food on the road, this is it. Apples stewed with a bit of sugar and cinnamon and then served up over cookies. Yum! It’s so easy yet so good at the end of a long day and all your cycling companions will be very impressed. 4 apples (peeled and cored) […] Read More »

Chorizo & Spinach Pasta

Where would a bike tourist be without pasta? And yet, we can eat it so often after a long day of cycling that pasta quickly gets boring. The good news is that it’s easy to dress pasta up with many different ingredients. Chorizo & Spinach Pasta is one of our favourite recipes for on-the-road mealtimes. Read More »

Making The Perfect Camp Coffee

A great cup of coffee is something we really look forward to in the morning, whether we’re at home or bike touring. Here’s the simplest and best way we’ve found to make our morning cuppa. All you need is the coffee, a pot and a stove. Read More »