A Cyclist’s Week

Friedel and a cycling friendWelcome to our ‘Week In The Life of A Cyclist’ series – a place where touring cyclists from all over the world, with their own styles and goals, can share what a few days on tour are like for them.

For everyone it will be different. We all have our unique ways of dealing with the joys and challenges of life on the road. But that’s what makes it interesting, seeing how so many people, doing the same thing, perceive and react to situations differently.

You can contribute too or just read on…

One Week with the Vogel Family


One of the things we heard over and over on our trip was the line, “Oh, it’s so good you’re doing this before you have kids” – as if having kids automatically spells an end to adventure. If one family proves how false this idea is more than any other, it must be the Vogels. […] Read More »

One Week with Ann Wilson


Ann Wilson is a British cyclist on a mission to ride her bike around the world – an idea she came up with after reading A Bike Ride, the story written by Anne Mustoe about pedalling around the globe. The book was just the inspiration Ann needed to start making plans to quit her job […] Read More »

One Week With Anna Kortschak


Anna Kortschak is on an open-ended tour of the Americas that may become an open-ended tour of the world. In this diary entry, Anna describes the 7-days around her somewhat misguided attempt to cross the border in a remote protected wilderness area between Guatemala and Mexico. Because it’s the beginning of the wet season, Anna […] Read More »

One Week with Fin & Zoa Gypsy


You only have to glance at their picture to know this is no ordinary cycling couple. Fin & Zoa Gypsy don’t just have their house on their bikes, they also have their two dogs, Jack and Paco, along for the ride. That’s 60kg of furry luggage and another 50-60km of non-furry luggage! Needless to say […] Read More »

One Week with Bill Weir in Asia


American Bill Weir has become a bit of an expert on Asia over the past few years. He’s pedalled over 40,000km on the continent over the course of 2 long trips, going from the humid climes of Thailand and India to the cool mountain tops of Tibet. Now he shares with us a week of […] Read More »

One Week With Julie & Ken Stammers


Julie & Ken Stammers are keen cyclists who completed a 4-month bicycle tour in the summer of 2011 from Spain to the UK and back again – over 6,500 kilometers. This is a journal from Julie & Ken’s first week of the journey, when they learned some valuable lessons. Read More »